Choosing Which Garden Boundary is Right for You

Choosing a garden boundary seems like an easy decision to make, however, when I decided to get rid of my shabby old fence and replace it with something that will spruce up my garden I was faced with all kinds of choices! Apparently there is a lot to consider when choosing whether you want a hedge, fence or wall, so here is what I learned:


I loved the idea of having a hedge, it brings in the wonderful wildlife like birds and hedgehogs and generally gives your garden a ‘secret garden’ natural vibe. They are also incredibly weather resistant unlike fences, strong winds will just blow through them and will rarely up-root them.
The negatives of having a hedge is the maintenance that they bring, naturally they will grow and become misshaped. Hedges need to be regularly trimmed to keep them looking nice and neat well, unless you are going for the wild look!


I am still a little shocked at the various types of fences that are available out there! There is so much to choose from, there really is something for everyone. I found that it really depends on your surroundings, there are beautiful wooden split rail fences that would be perfect for farms and large grounds in the country.
You could go with the classic wrought iron fence, which looks stunning outside Georgian buildings. A vinyl fence is a great modern option for those of us who would rather have the low maintenance option (I know I’m guilty of choosing the easy option!) they come in all shapes, sizes and colours!


If the thought of a high-maintenance hedge doesn’t appeal to you, or you just simply don’t like the look of the fence options, then a classic brick wall may be the way to go. You can’t really go wrong with a brick wall, and you do not necessarily have to go with the classic red brick there are all kinds of coloured bricks available.
Whichever one you decide to go with, have a good think about it before you choose. A garden boundary isn’t something that you change on a regular basis, so choose one that you won’t get bored with!


Author: Editor

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