Keep Your Wardrobe Mould Free This Winter

closet heaterUse a Wardrobe Heater to Keep Mould at Bay

Mould can cause irreparable damage to clothes and belongings, and left unattended can also lead to serious health problems.

As winter creeps ever closer, homeowners across the country are battening down the hatches and getting ready for the cold months ahead. Most of us think of the obvious things such as getting the boiler serviced and ensuring the oil tank is topped up, but there are also some simple precautions you can take to protect your home and family from the effects of damp and mould.

If you have a problem with mould in the kitchen or bathroom, it is generally obvious, due to the musty smell and unsightly marks on the ceiling or wall. But in many homes, the problem is not so self-evident, when it manifests in the tucked away recesses of a cupboards or wardrobe.

Here, we will discuss how you can treat the problem and then prevent its recurrence with the installation of energy efficient tube heaters in those out of the way corners of your home.

The effects of damp and mould

The World Health Organisation (WHO) is so concerned about the potential health impacts of mould that it has published a set of guidelines that tackle identification, prevention and cure.

Toxic mould contains mycotoxins, exposure to which, according to the WHO report, can lead to: “skin pain, pruritis, redness, vesiculation, necrosis, sloughing of the epidermis, nose and throat pain, nasal discharge, itching and sneezing, cough, dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, and hemoptysis.” It goes on to warn that severe exposure has been known to lead to weakness, collapse, shock and even death.


If your wardrobe has a mould problem, there are a few tell tale signs to look out for:

  • A distinctive musty odour
  • White powder on surfaces of clothes and walls
  • Black speckles on the ceiling or walls


The first step is to get rid of the existing mould. Only then can you set about preventing it from coming back. Clear everything out of the wardrobe, and carefully clean everything. That means putting clothes through the wash and thoroughly wiping down books and any other articles that have been affected.

Then, clean the surfaces with either a shop-bought mould killer or a home-made preparation. There are several different options here, but many people swear by a mixture of baking soda and vinegar.

Finally, give everything a chance to completely dry out before you do anything else.

Keeping your wardrobe mould free

With the mould consigned to history, the real trick is to prevent it from coming back. The best way to do this is by keeping the air at a level temperature so that it cannot become cool and damp, and this is where a tubular heater can be worth its weight in gold.

These devices deliver a steady and even distribution of heat, and are perfect for the job. They are also cheap to buy, and are far more energy efficient than a dehumidifier, not to mention being less hassle. Simply install, switch on and they will quietly do their job all winter long.

Author: Editor

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